Dropbox is a file storage service, that enables you to store any kind of information. The files are synchronized between all computer systems in which the Dropbox app is set up and you could access them from any sort of device, including a smart phone. Unlike a hosting service where the files are executed and an html file, for example, will display as an actual page with text and images on it, in Dropbox you will view the content as a list of folders and files. If you already have an account with them or create a new one, you'll be able to take advantage of our free service and you can link a web hosting account on our end with the Dropbox account so that our system can make regular backups there. That way you could have a copy of your info on our hosting servers, on their servers and also on your PC and you will be able to access it from any device as long as the Dropbox application is installed, which will give you more protection in the event that something happens with your files, like an unintended deletion, for instance.

Dropbox Backups in Web Hosting

If you would like to take advantage of our Dropbox backup service and you have a web hosting account, you can allow this option with one or two mouse clicks in your Hepsia CP and our system will start making backups the same day. Based on the disk space quota of your Dropbox account and the amount of content you've got on our servers, you can select the number of different backups that'll be generated, ranging from three to fourteen. You may also decide if backups shall be generated just of the site files or of the databases as well and Hepsia will allow you to enable this option for every Internet site or database independently, so you can back up precisely the content which you actually need. Enabling the service is quite simple and all it takes is to incorporate your Dropbox account in the corresponding section of Hepsia. You may even include a number of accounts and removing one you no longer want to use takes only a mouse click. You'll be able to use this service in combination with our regular backups which are created four times a day and include all your files and databases.

Dropbox Backups in Semi-dedicated Servers

You will be able to make use of the Dropbox backups with every single semi-dedicated servers plans we supply and linking the two accounts is rather simple. Our advanced Hepsia hosting Control Panel will enable you to customize the procedure, so that you will be able to decide how many copies of your content shall be kept on the Dropbox servers and if everything shall be backed up or only particular Internet sites and databases. Each option could be modified at any time and the maximum daily backups you can have at a time is 14 assuming that you have sufficient free space on their end. This feature is very useful in the event that you want to have a copy of your Internet sites on your computer as the synchronization with the Dropbox servers is automatic and you will not have to download anything manually. We also generate backups 4 times daily of all your information and this function only adds more security to any valuable data which you have in your semi-dedicated server account.

Dropbox Backups in Dedicated Servers

The Dropbox backups are available with all dedicated web hosting plans purchased with the Hepsia Control panel and you could link the 2 accounts with a few clicks through an incredibly user-friendly interface that shall allow you to choose the exact content which will be backed up and the amount of copies that'll be available inside your Dropbox account at any time. In this way you will be able to take advantage of this service if you do not have enough space with Dropbox for the whole content on the server or you simply need merely some of the information. Hepsia will permit you to specify the folders to be backed up and to pick between 3 and 14 daily copies to be kept, so you can have backups for up to 2 weeks back. You can modify these options with a mouse click whenever you choose or you could remove the Dropbox account from the Control Panel if you don't intend to use it anymore. Alternatively we provide in-house backups too, which you could get as a standalone service or as an element of the Managed Services package that comes with a variety of handy server administration tasks.