Full WHOIS Management in Web Hosting
When you have a web hosting plan through our company and you register or transfer a domain, you will have complete control of its WHOIS information. Through the Domain Manager tool in our custom Hepsia hosting CP, you will be able to see and edit every single detail associated with your domains and even modify the info of a number of domain names at once with just a few clicks. Our tool is rather user-friendly and you'll save time and efforts when you manage the WHOIS details of your domain names. Any modifications which you make are going to take effect right away. Of course, that's valid for the details which can be modified since some country-code TLDs have certain restrictions in this matter, for example not being able to modify the owner names once a domain is already registered. We'll be able to assist you 24/7 if such a situation appears for any of your domains.
Full WHOIS Management in Semi-dedicated Servers
All domains which you register or transfer to a semi-dedicated server account from our company will be taken care of via our in-house built Hepsia CP, which is also employed to handle the hosting space. You'll be able to check out the current WHOIS info for each and every one of them with one mouse click and editing any part of it will take no more than a couple of clicks more. Hepsia will also permit you to manage many domains at a time, so if you would like to modify your address or electronic mail, for example, you will save lots of time because you will need to do it just once for all domains within the account. If you own a country-code domain that supports WHOIS updates, but not automatic ones, we shall aid you with the procedure from the moment you contact us up until the change takes effect. The domain names section of the CP will give you 100 % control of all your Internet domain names and their WHOIS info.