PostgreSQL 8.3 Databases in Web Hosting
Our web hosting plans come with PostgreSQL support, so you'll be able to work with any script app which requires this type of a database. When using the lower-end plans, setting up a PostgreSQL database is an optional upgrade, while with the higher-end ones, a certain number is included as standard, ranging from 5 to unlimited. No matter the plan that you pick throughout the signup process, you'll always be able to raise the number of PostgreSQL databases you can have from the Upgrades section of the Hepsia Control Panel, provided with every account. Besides employing a script interface, you'll be able to handle any database inside the account via the amazing phpPgAdmin tool too. The latter may be accessed via the PostgreSQL section of the CP.
PostgreSQL 8.3 Databases in Semi-dedicated Servers
If you purchase a semi-dedicated server package through our company, you'll be able to create and handle PostgreSQL databases easily and as a part of the standard set of services, not as a paid upgrade. Any sort of script-driven app which needs this kind of a database will run perfectly as we use a cloud hosting platform and the databases run on a different cluster of machines, not on the same server in which you will have your site files and email messages. That way, the efficiency of your Internet sites will increase drastically as only one type of processes will run on the machines. Via our custom Hepsia CP, you shall be able to log in to any PostgreSQL database you have in the account with the popular phpPgAdmin admin client. The latter will permit you to export, import or modify any part of the database through a web-based graphic interface.